people are getting away with stuff

people are getting away with stuff
i don’t care for it
told my friend emmanuel and he said
theres four kinds of people in this world
theres the people who are getting away with stuff
like you he says
like me I says
buy yourself some punctuation he says
buy yourself some capital letters
don’t make people guess about every damned thing
stacy keach
see like that what the hell does stacy keach have to do with anything
not much i say
but enough
then theres the people who don’t care for it
me again
then theres the people who hate the first two types of people
im like that
then theres the people who hate the first three types of people
i hate everybody
but that means im all four types
so which type are you
none of them
that makes five types then
so sartre was right and you the fifth type dont exist
because there is no fifth type and i
who have the four types within me
and am alone
with all that represents the existence i created for myself
can finally relax
knowing that even though i’m getting away with stuff
its already my stuff so no harm done
so that eliminates the second type
which cancels out the third and fourth
so i am all alone while people are getting away with stuff
i don’t care for it
told my friend emmanuel and he said
let me stop you right there
and he puts his finger on my lips

—–Don Whittington

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